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Bio-cel Hair Growth Therapy_Hair-Transplant


Hair Transplant

A hair transplant is a procedure in which surgeon moves hair to a bald area of the head. The surgeon usually moves hair from the hair grow the area back or side of the head to the front or top of the head. Hair transplants typically occur in a well setup medical office under local anesthesia.

Pattern baldness is responsible for the majority of hair loss. this comes down to genetics the remaining causes are due to a variety of factors, including:




Hormonal imbalance


There are different types of hair transplants:

Slit graft

Micro graft

Slit graft contain 4 to 10 hair per graft micro grafts 1 to 2 hair per graft , depending on the amount of coverage needed.

Benefit of hair transplant:

Improved appearance

A permanent remedy

Does away with balding

Low maintenance

Cost savings

Improved appearance: People that seek out a hair transplant produce will tell you it is because their baldness makes them feel disappointed with the way they look.

A permanent remedy: A hair transplant produce offers hope for those that suffer from balding patches and severe hair loss and is a more reliable and permanent solution.

Does away with  balding: You won’t have receding hairlines or bald patches anymore .Statistics show that hair transplant procedures have a very high success rate.

Low maintenance: There is another benefit of having a hair transplant procedure. It requires just minimal maintenance after surgery of the affected areas.

Cost saving: While many hair restoration procedures tend to be a bit costly, hair transplant surgery is not like that you will not have to continually have to spend money on additional trips to see a doctor.

Hair transplants look natural:

Hair transplant can look completely natural – as long as you go to the right surgeon. Hair transplant candidates may be concerned about conspicuousness of their result, but with a talented and qualified surgeon, “your scalp will not look like a doll’s head. “ The best hair transplants involve mimicking nature.

Procedure steps:

BEFORE: Hair transplant candidates should have some noticeable hair loss with healthy hair growth at the back and sides of the head to serve as donor areas.


A tube like instruments punches round graft from the donor site to be placed in the area where hair.


When the skin beneath the hair has stretched enough. its surgically placed over the bald area.


During flap surgery , a section of bald scalp is cut out and a flop on hair – breaking skin is sewn into its place.


The patterns used in scalp reduction vary widely, yet all meet the goal of bringing hair and scalp together to cover bald areas.

AFTER: The results of hair transplant surgery can enhance your appearance and self confidence. 

How long after transplant do you see results?

Most patients see results between six and nine months after surgery, for some patients it takes 12 months. its important to know that between two and eight weeks after the surgery, the transplant hair will fall out.

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